Let´s hack 10 smart health challenges together with the best mentors and industry leaders!

Before the summer holiday, you can have the most interesting weekend in 2021! Data 4 Healthy Recovery hackathon is your opportunity to work together with the big players in European Industry and find solutions for 10 important smart health and digitalisation challenges. There are only 5 weeks to go before we´ll have the Data 4 Healthy Recovery Hackathon on the 18th – 20th June.

So, what has happened so far?

To get you in the loop of the development, we have had two Meet&Greet pre-events where different challenge partners introduced themselves and all participants could get to know the ins and outs of their challenges.

Here are the five challenge partners we have already revealed and the challenge they have chosen:

  • MyVitale - "Data Extraction and centralisation for better decision making"

  • Janssen - "Smart mental health solutions for employees (for patients and their care teams)"

  • Spaceti - "Safe workplace for the future"

  • ROCHE Slovensko s.r.o. - "Real-time health monitoring and remote care"

To get an overview of why these companies have joined the hackathon and why these challenges are important to them, you can re-watch both Meet&Greet pre-events. Also, during these pre-events, a lot of substantive and technical questions were asked, so you might find answers to your own questions as well.

Meet&Greet #1 link is HERE!

Meet&Greet #2 link is HERE!

As we have 10 challenges in total, there will be introductions also for the rest of 5 challenges as:

  1. Improvements for medical manufacturing
  2. Public space safety for customers
  3. Safe use of medical data
  4. Solutions for team building
  5. Food consumption awareness

This is your final chance to meet new challenge partners and the challenges they bring on board as we´ll have the next Meet&Greet #3 already on the 21st of May. So, don´t miss out as the presentations will help you to generate better ideas.

You can register for the pre-event and get a Zoom link from HERE.

This brings us to the second topic - IDEA SUBMISSION!

From 24th April all participants can submit their ideas on how they would hack these 10 challenges. There are several ideas already to the five challenges mentioned above, but there is still time to think through all 10 challenges and decide which one you want to tackle and find the best solution for. The deadline to submit your or your team´s idea is the 7th of June at the latest.

Submit your ideas from HERE!

The registration for the Data 4 Healthy Recovery Hackathon is still open and you can sign up for the programme as an individual or come with the whole team!

The registration form is HERE!


This is your chance to be part of the best smart health hackathon in 2021 and join us on the journey towards a more resilient and innovative European industry.

This project is undertaken on behalf of the European Commission, Directorate-General for Internal Market, Industry, Entrepreneurship and SMEs and the Executive Agency for Small- and Medium-sized Enterprises (EASME) by Civitta and Garage48.

#data4EUrecovery #COSMEEU #hackathon

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