Cyber Security Idea Garage 2019

When 16-19 September, 2019

Where Helsinki, Vilnius, Kiev

  • Overview
  • Agenda
  • We rely on technology more than we really want to. Therefore it’s important that technology is available, protected and secure. Unfortunately, most technology that is available is quite vulnerable and can be easily hacked. And to be honest, how much do we know about Cyber Security at all?


    Through intense brainstorming, different expertise and top-notch mentors, a lot can be done in a day. What might be a daunting task alone, can be easily done together!

    During the day, we will brainstorm about different challenges and problems in the field together with Cyber Security experts, learn how to pitch, elaborate on your ideas (if you have any) and develop them further. You'll have the opportunity to find new team members, get some insight and know more about starting your own Cyber Security startup.

    Idea Garage is not your regular workshop, where people gather together, talk a lot and then go home and forget about it. It is a much-needed gathering, where initial ideas will mature and be ready for the next stage. Through well structured sessions, help of skilled mentors and team work, these ideas will be turned into paper prototypes by the end of the day.


    Idea Garage will bring together people from many different fields: non-technical and technical people, cyber security or data protection professionals, designers, developers, marketers, passionate project managers and much more!


    This year, 3 Idea Garages on Cyber Security will be organized:

    HELSINKI @ NewCo Helsinki - 16th of September
    VILNIUS @ RockIT - 17th of September
    KYIV @ Lift99 - 19th of September


    The main aim is to bring the cybersecurity communities closer together and gather and develop ideas and challenges which are ready to enter a full-size hackathon in October 11-13!

    Be prepared to get out of your comfort zone and meet exciting new people!


    The list of all mentors and speakers will be announced soon!

    Cyber Security Idea Garage is an event series which has been brought to you by Garage48, Startup Estonia and the University of Tartu (Institute of Computer Science).


    Gathering, morning coffee, quick breakfast


    Greetings, introduction to the event and setting the main goals for the day - Joao Rei, Garage48

    10:10 - 10:30

    "What can the cyber security ecosystem offer to the entrepreneurs/ experts" Marily Henrdikson, Startup Estonia / Egita Polanska, Startup Wise Guys

    10:30 - 11:00

    Panel discussion "Cyber Security: reality or science fiction?" led by Joao Rei. Participants vary in different cities

    11:00 - 12:15

    Brainstorming session: The Problems // Workshop in different groups led by mentors and specialists

    12:15 - 12.30

    Intro to pitching & what happens after lunch

    12:30 - 13:30


    13:30 - 14:30

    Pitching of the ideas, formation of the teams

    14:30 - 14:45

    Quick introduction on working with the business model canvas method

    14:45 - 15:15

    Workshop with the Canva

    15:15 - 16:30

    Work session in the teams

    16:30 - 17:00

    Coffee and snacks

    17:00 - 18:00

    3 min pitches by the teams


    Wrap up



    The Mentors 

    Joao Rei
    Garage48 host, business and marketing mentor
    Valdar Liive
    Business Advisor at NewCo Helsinki
    Abasi-Amefon Affia
    Cyber Security Engineer & Security Researcher
    Romet Tagobert
    Senior Software Engineer at Twilio
    Oliver Sild
    Founder and CEO at Patchstack
    Alexander Nolte
    Associate Professor of Information Systems at the Institute of Computer Science of University of Tartu
    Egita Polanska
    Programs and Partnerships at Startup Wise Guys
    Edvinas Kerza
    Vice-Minister of National defence
    Fernando Francisco
    Vice President, Corporate Development and Strategy @ Malwarebytes
    Tiina-Maria Araja
    Head of Investment Baltics, UK Department for International Trade


    Liis Linn
    Project Manager at Garage48
    Marily Hendrikson
    Cyber Defence Project Lead at Startup Estonia
    Madis Raaper
    Cyber Security Coordinator @ University of Tartu

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